Speed up Playwright authentication
tl;dr: Persist and reuse the Playwright browser context (cookies, local storage, etc.) for the duration of your auth session to skip the login step on subsequent test suite runs.
Playwright is a powerful end-to-end testing tool that can automate the browser to interact with your web application.
Most web applications require authentication to access certain pages or features. Playwright has great documentation on how to perform authentication before running your tests but it can be slow to rerun the auth step on every test suite run. Especially when you are iterating on your tests locally.
Optimally you would like to reuse the authenticated browser state across test suite runs as long as the auth session is valid.
First, let's go over the basic steps to authenticate with Playwright according to the official documentation and then we will see how to speed it up by reusing the authenticated browser state across test suite runs (by default Playwright only persists the state within a test suite run).
âšī¸ Note: All the following steps assume you have created a directory, like
, where you have your config and tests.
Basic Playwright authentication setup
- Create
directory to store the authenticated browser state:
# Inside /playwright directory
mkdir -p .auth
echo $'\n.auth' >> .gitignore
- Add auth setup to
import { defineConfig, devices } from "@playwright/test";
export default defineConfig({
/* ...other config options... */
projects: [
// ------------ ADD THIS ------------
name: "setup",
testMatch: /.*\.setup\.ts/,
// ----------------------------------
name: "chromium",
dependencies: ["setup"],
use: {
...devices["Desktop Chrome"],
storageState: ".auth/session.json",
// Other browsers...
- Create a
file to authenticate and save the browser state:
import { test as setup } from "@playwright/test";
const authFile = path.join(__dirname, ".auth", "session.json");
setup("authenticate", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/login");
// Other login steps...
// Save the browser context after login
await page.context().storageState({ path: authFile });
âšī¸ Note: If you are using ESM modules you might get an error that
is not defined. To fix this you need to define__dirname
manually:import path from "path"; import url from "url"; const __filename = url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
- Finally, you can create your test files and use the authenticated browser state:
import { test } from "@playwright/test";
test("example test 1", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/some-protected-page");
// Other test steps...
import { test } from "@playwright/test";
test("example test 2", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/other-protected-page");
// Other test steps...
Both of these test files will wait for the auth setup to finish and then use the authenticated browser state saved in .auth/session.json
However, when you rerun any of the tests Playwright will perform the auth setup again before running the test. This can significantly slow down the iteration speed when you are working on your tests locally.
Next, let's see how to speed up the authentication by reusing the authenticated browser state across test suite runs.
Reuse authenticated browser state across test suite runs
The idea is to persist a timestamp alongside the browser state and check if the auth session is still valid and reuse the current state if it is.
All we need to do is to modify the auth.setup.ts
file accordingly:
/* eslint-disable playwright/no-conditional-in-test */
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import url from "url";
import { test as setup, type BrowserContext } from "@playwright/test";
setup("authenticate", async ({ page }) => {
const session = readSession();
// Skip the login step if we have a valid session
if (session) return;
await page.goto("/login");
// Other login steps...
// Read the storage state and persist it manually
const storageState = await page.context().storageState();
// Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------
// đ Change this to your session duration
const sessionDuration = 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 8 hours
const sessionDir = path.join(__dirname, ".auth");
const sessionPath = path.join(sessionDir, "session.json");
type StorageState = Awaited<ReturnType<BrowserContext["storageState"]>>;
type PersistedSession = StorageState & {
createdAt: number;
function readSession() {
if (fs.existsSync(sessionPath)) {
const session = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(sessionPath, "utf-8")
) as PersistedSession;
// Check if the session is still valid
if (Date.now() - session.createdAt < sessionDuration) {
return session;
return null;
function writeSession(storageState: StorageState) {
// Add createdAt so that we can check if the session is still valid
const session = {
createdAt: Date.now(),
if (!fs.existsSync(sessionDir)) {
fs.writeFileSync(sessionPath, JSON.stringify(session, null, 2), "utf8");
Now when you iterate on your tests, Playwright will only perform the login step once every sessionDuration
milliseconds (in this case 8 hours)
and reuse the authenticated browser state across test suite runs making it much faster to run your tests.
That's it. Enjoy faster Playwright test runs! đđĢ